Tally Pro

Tally Pro offers empowering features tailored to the advanced needs of teams and creators. No hidden costs as long as you stay within our fair usage guidelines.
✔️ $29/month or $290/year (get 2 months free)
✔️ Cancel anytime
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Compare Tally Pro to other form builders.
Compare Tally Pro to other form builders.

Made to empower teams.

Invite team members
Invite unlimited team members to your organization.
Invite team members Invite unlimited team members to your organization.
Group related forms and manage access rights with workspaces.
Workspaces Group related forms and manage access rights with workspaces.

Tailored to your business needs.

Remove Tally Branding
Have your forms seamlessly represent your brand.
Remove Tally Branding Have your forms seamlessly represent your brand.
Custom domains
Connect your Tally forms to your own (sub)domain.
Custom domains Connect your Tally forms to your own (sub)domain.
Skip commission on payments
Remove the 5% commission fee on payment forms.
Skip commission on payments Remove the 5% commission fee on payment forms.
Unlimited file uploads
Remove the 10 MB file size limit on all file uploads.
Unlimited file uploads Remove the 10 MB file size limit on all file uploads.
Customizable email notifications
Customize email alerts upon form submission to yourself and others.
Customizable email notifications Customize email alerts upon form submission to yourself and others.
Advanced form customization
Customize form layout, inputs, and buttons directly in your form.
Advanced form customization Customize form layout, inputs, and buttons directly in your form.
Custom CSS
Fully control the design of your forms with custom CSS.
Custom CSS Fully control the design of your forms with custom CSS.
Customize form link preview
Change the form’s OG image, favicon, title and description.
Customize form link preview Change the form’s OG image, favicon, title and description.

Helps you grow with insights.

Partial submissions
Pre-fill fields with data you already have about respondents.
Partial submissions Pre-fill fields with data you already have about respondents.
Facebook Pixel
Track visitor activity and measure your ads with Facebook Pixel.
Facebook Pixel Track visitor activity and measure your ads with Facebook Pixel.
Google Analytics
Track traffic sources and form conversions with GA4.
Google Analytics Track traffic sources and form conversions with GA4.
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Want to do more? Discover Tally Business.


Upgrade to Tally Pro

Want to get access to all of the above? Head over to your dashboard and click Upgrade plan in the sidebar.
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