Tally empowers form creators to design their forms without writing a single line of code. However, a tiny sprinkle of code can add that extra finishing touch to your form.
Injecting custom CSS allows you to style your form in ways not available in the default design options.

Injecting custom CSS is a Tally Pro feature.
How to inject custom CSS CSS classesCode snippetsLayout & colorsInputsButtonsCustom CSS not working?
How to inject custom CSS
There are two ways you can customize your forms using custom CSS:
1️⃣ Open the design options in the form builder and inject custom CSS into the CSS block.
2️⃣ Forms with a custom domain can use the code injection box on the form and domain level.

Custom CSS requires coding skills and falls outside the scope of our support.
This means we’re unable to help further with setup or troubleshooting. Additionally, with a code-based solution, we can’t guarantee its functionality or full compatibility with Tally. This includes how it functions with our responsive design or future platform updates.
Are you looking for advanced form customization without using custom CSS? Take a look at the customization options available in your form’s Customize tab.
CSS classes
These CSS classes can be overridden with custom CSS applied to your form.
Custom styles may not always work seamlessly in the form builder because the HTML structure of blocks may differ in the editor. To ensure that your custom styles are correctly applied, we recommend testing them in Preview mode, which replicates the same HTML structure as published forms.
Avoid using class names that are not listed in the table below. For instance, class names such as sc-a3e5684a-0, styled__ContentH3-sc-aw1rsf-4, cwaPRn, etc., are automatically generated and subject to change, potentially causing your CSS rules to break.
Description | CSS Class |
Full page | .tally-app |
Form logo | .tally-form-logo |
Form cover | .tally-form-cover |
Form page | .tally-page |
Form page number | .tally-page-1, .tally-page-2, .tally-page-3, etc. |
Form ‘Thank you' page | .tally-page-thank-you |
Submit button | .tally-submit-button |
Back button | .tally-back-button |
Required question indicator | .tally-required-indicator |
Validation error | .tally-validation-error |
Column list | .tally-column-list |
Column | .tally-column |
Tally block | .tally-block |
Form title block | .tally-block-form-title |
Text block | .tally-block-text |
Title block | .tally-block-title |
Label block | .tally-block-label |
Heading 1 block | .tally-block-heading-1 |
Heading 2 block | .tally-block-heading-2 |
Heading 3 block | .tally-block-heading-3 |
Divider block | .tally-block-divider |
Image block | .tally-block-image |
Image caption | .tally-image-caption |
Embed block | .tally-block-embed |
Embed video block | .tally-block-embed-video |
Embed audio block | .tally-block-embed-audio |
Multiple choice block | .tally-block-multiple-choice-option |
Multiple choice option | .tally-multiple-choice-option |
Selected multiple choice option | .tally-multiple-choice-option-selected |
Multiple choice badge | .tally-enumeration-badge |
Multiple choice letter badge | .tally-alphabet-badge |
Multiple choice number badge | .tally-number-badge |
Checkboxes block | .tally-block-checkbox |
Checkbox option | .tally-checkbox |
Selected checkbox option | .tally-checkbox-selected |
Multi-select block | .tally-block-multi-select |
Multi-select selected options container | .tally-multi-select-selected-options |
Multi-select selected option pill | .tally-multi-select-selected-option-pill |
Multi-select available options container | .tally-multi-select-list-options |
Multi-select available option | .tally-multi-select-list-option |
Multi-select available option pill | .tally-multi-select-list-option-pill |
Dropdown block | .tally-block-dropdown |
Ranking option block | .tally-block-ranking-option |
Ranked option | .tally-ranking-option-ranked |
Ranked option at position | .tally-ranking-option-ranked-1, .tally-ranking-option-ranked-2, .tally-ranking-option-ranked-3, etc. |
Ranking badge | .tally-rank-badge |
Short answer block | .tally-block-input-text |
Number block | .tally-block-input-number |
Email block | .tally-block-input-email |
Link block | .tally-block-input-link |
Phone number block | .tally-block-input-phone-number |
Date block | .tally-block-input-date |
Time block | .tally-block-input-time |
Long answer block | .tally-block-textarea |
File upload block | .tally-block-file-upload |
Linear scale block | .tally-block-linear-scale |
Linear scale option | .tally-linear-scale-option |
Selected linear scale option | .tally-linear-scale-option-selected |
Linear scale label | .tally-linear-scale-label |
Rating block | .tally-block-rating |
Payment block | .tally-block-payment |
Signature block | .tally-block-signature |
reCAPTCHA block | .tally-block-captcha |
Matrix container | .tally-matrix |
Matrix column block | .tally-block-matrix-column |
Matrix row block | .tally-block-matrix-row |
“Other” option’s input | .tally-other-option-input |
Tally block by UUID (Universal Unique Identifier) | .tally-block-[UUID] (example: .tally-block-2e9cd30c-28e1-4c56-a1ef-d8e945ac103e) |
Didn’t find the class you’re looking for? Let us know!
Code snippets
Not familiar with Custom CSS? We prepared a set of pre-made code snippets for you, which you can simply copy and paste into the CSS or code injection box.
Layout & colors
Change text color
This code snippet will make the text color white, but you can change the #fff to any hex color you like.
body { color: #fff; }
Change link color
This code snippet will make the link color red, but you can change the #f00 to any hex color you like.
.tally-block-text a { color: #f00; border-bottom-color: #f00; } .tally-block-text a:hover { color: #f00; border-bottom-color: #f00; }
Use a custom font
To apply your own font, use the code snippet below and replace the font-family and URLs with links to your own font.
@font-face { font-family: 'MY-FONT'; src: url('https://..../fonts/....eot'); src: url('https://..../fonts/....woff2'); src: url('https://..../fonts/....woff'); src: url('https://..../fonts/....ttf'); font-weight: 400; font-style: normal; font-display: swap; } * { font-family: 'MY-FONT' !important; }
Use a Google Font
Choose a Google Font and replace the import URL and font family name below.
@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Roboto:wght@400;500;700;900&display=swap'); * { font-family: "Roboto", sans-serif !important; }
Use multiple fonts
To apply multiple fonts, use the code snippet below and replace the import URLs and font family names below.
@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Roboto:wght@400;500;700;900&display=swap'); @import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Oswald:[email protected]&display=swap'); * { font-family: "Roboto", sans-serif !important; } h3 { font-family: "Oswald", sans-serif !important; }
Change background color
This code snippet will make your form background black, but you can change the #000 to any hex color you like.
html, .tally-app { background-color: #000; }
Add a background image
This code snippet will add a background image to your form. Replace the URL with the link of your background image.
.tally-app { background: url(https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1643916861337-1e13c6f09b72?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&ixid=MnwxMjA3fDB8MHxwaG90by1wYWdlfHx8fGVufDB8fHx8&auto=format&fit=crop&w=2070&q=80) no-repeat center center fixed; background-size: cover; }
Preserve column layout on mobile
This code snippet will keep the columns on mobile view.
@media (max-width: 576px) { .tally-column-list { flex-direction: row; } .tally-column { width: auto; padding: initial; } }
Change the form cover’s height
Use this code snippet to change the height of your form cover. Replace the number
with any numerical value to fit the cover to your form’s design..tally-form-cover img { height: 50px !important; }
Change the color of the progress bar
The first rule will change the background color of the progress bar segments (empty state). The second rule will change the color of the filled-in segments (filled-in state). You can change the color to any hex color code.
.tally-progress-bar-item { background-color: pink; } .tally-progress-bar-item::after { background-color: red; }
Center images
This code snippet centers images horizontally in the middle of your form page.
.tally-block-image { display: flex; justify-content: center; }
Change the form’s page width
This code snippet increases the form page width to 1000px.
.tally-page { max-width: 1000px; }
Follow light or dark color code
:root { color-scheme: light dark; }
Change question title font size
Use this code snippet to change your title font size in pixels.
.tally-block-title h3 { font-size: 100px; }
Change the text input color
This code snippet will change the text color inside the input field to red. You can change the color to any hex color code.
input[type="text"] { color: red !important; }
Change the placeholder text color
This code snippet will change the placeholder text color to green. You can change the color to any hex color code.
input[type="text"]::placeholder { color: green !important; }
Change focused input field's color
This code snippet will make the focused inputs red, but you can change the #f00 to any hex color you like.
.tally-block input:focus, .tally-block textarea:focus { box-shadow: #f00 0px 0px 0px 2px; }
Change the selected multiple-choice color
This code snippet will make the selected multiple choice option red, but you can change the #f00 to any hex color you like.
.tally-multiple-choice-option-selected > div { box-shadow: #f00 0px 0px 0px 2px; } .tally-multiple-choice-option-selected > div:focus-within { box-shadow: #f00 0px 0px 0px 2px; } .tally-multiple-choice-option-selected > div > div > div { background-color: #f00; }
Change the selected checkbox color
This code snippet will make the selected checkbox red, but you can change the #f00 to any hex color you like.
.tally-checkbox-selected > div > div > div { background-color: #f00; box-shadow: #f00 0px 0px 0px 2px; } .tally-checkbox-selected > div > div > div:focus-within { box-shadow: #f00 0px 0px 0px 2px; }
Change the selected linear scale color
This code snippet will make the selected linear scale option red, but you can change the #f00 to any hex color you like.
.tally-block-linear-scale .tally-linear-scale-option-selected { color: #f00; box-shadow: #f00 0px 0px 0px 2px; } .tally-block-linear-scale .tally-linear-scale-option-selected:focus-within { box-shadow: #f00 0px 0px 0px 2px; }
Change the focused dropdown color
This code snippet will make the focused dropdown red, but you can change the #f00 to any hex color you like.
.tally-block-dropdown input:focus { box-shadow: #f00 0px 0px 0px 2px; }
Change the input color of the date block
The first rule will change the color of the selected date, the second rule will change the color of the placeholder text. You can change the colors to any hex color codes you like.
input { color: red !important; } input::placeholder { color: green !important; }
Full-width inputs
Input fields are 320px wide by default. This CSS snippet will make the input fields fit the full witdh of the form container.
div[class*=' tally-block-input'] > div > div, .tally-block-payment > div, .tally-block-dropdown > div > div, .tally-block-multiple-choice-option > div > div, .tally-block-checkbox > div > div, .tally-block-multi-select > div > div { min-width: 100%; }
Inputs without a border radius
div[class*=' tally-block-input'] input { border-radius: 0; }
Center submit button
This code snippet centers the submit button horizontally in the middle of your form page.
.tally-submit-button { justify-content: center }
Hide submit button
Hide the submit button if you want to create a one-page form without a call-to-action.
.tally-submit-button { display: none; }
Hide back button
Hide the back button if you don’t want the respondents to be able to go back to the previous form pages.
.tally-back-button { display: none; }
Change the color of the submit button
This code snippet will make the button background color black (#000), and the text color white (#fff). You can change the color codes to any hex color you like.
.tally-submit-button button { background-color: #000; color: #fff; border: 1px solid #000; }
Hide the button arrow
This code snippet will hide the arrow icon in the form buttons.
.tally-submit-button svg { display: none; }
Place the button next to an input field
This code snippet will make the button appear on the right of your input field instead of below.
form { display: flex; } h1 { display: none; } .tally-block { padding: 0; } .tally-block > div { padding: 0; } .tally-submit-button { margin: 0; margin-top: 1px; margin-left: 8px; } .tally-submit-button button { height: 36px; }
Button without a border radius
.tally-submit-button button { border-radius: 0; }
Full width button
.tally-submit-button > div > div, .tally-submit-button > div, .tally-submit-button button { flex: 1; width: 100%; }
Custom CSS not working?
There may be situations where the CSS code you added doesn’t show in your form editor.
- Try to add
on every line before;
- Some CSS rules only work in
and published mode. You will not see the changes in the form editor.