Multiple choice

A multiple choice question is a type of question where the respondent is given a list of options or alternatives, and they must select the correct answer from those options.
Multiple choice questions are commonly used in various educational settings, assessments, surveys, and exams because they provide a structured and efficient way to present a range of possible answers and evaluate the respondent's knowledge or understanding of a given topic.
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How it works

Type /multiple to insert a multiple choice question. Add your question title and simply type the different answer options.
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By default, respondents can choose one option from the list. Enable the Multiple selection option in the block settings to allow multiple options.
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Multiple choice settings

Click on the left of your block to open the block settings. Here, you can customize your multiple choice question block using the settings below.

Add a default answer

an answer in your multiple-choice question by using the Default answer toggle. Make sure you type the default answer exactly the same way it appears in your multiple choice question block.

Randomize options

Answer randomization helps avoid biased data by displaying answer options in a random order.

Multiple selection

Allow respondents to choose multiple answers and add a minimum or maximum number of answer options by enabling Multiple selection.
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Simply drag your multiple choice options next to each other to create a column layout, like in the example above.
Simply drag your multiple choice options next to each other to create a column layout, like in the example above.

Bulk insert options

If you have a long list of answer options, you can also bulk insert them by opening the block options and selecting Bulk insert options.


The multiple-choice options are presented as a list of choices, with each choice labelled using a letter.
Badge with letters (default)
Badge with letters (default)
Badge with numbers
Badge with numbers
No badge
No badge
You can change this layout with the Badge setting. Open the dropdown, choose numbers instead of letters, or disable it to remove the badge altogether.
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Color-code options

Enable Color-code options to color-code the answer options.
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You can also manually edit each answer option's color by choosing from a predefined set of colors.
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Add an image

Add images to your multiple-choice options using the Image setting. You can upload a file from your device, link to an image URL, or choose one from the royalty-free Unsplash image library.
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Use our free customization options or custom CSS (available with a Tally Pro subscription) to further customize your form and the multiple choice question block.
Use our free customization options or custom CSS (available with a Tally Pro subscription) to further customize your form and the multiple choice question block.