
Tally forms embed beautifully on your Notion pages. If you already use Notion to organize your workflow, this direct integration makes it easy to keep everything in one place and automatically send new Tally form submissions right into your Notion databases.
Our Notion integration is available for free.
Our Notion integration is available for free.
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How it works

The Notion integration supports syncing form responses to page properties (used for capturing structured information like dates, categories, URLs, or emails) and page content (used for longer text).
Using Notion to gather your form data gives you numerous ways to filter and sort your form submissions. Follow the steps below to set up the integration and start automatically syncing your Tally form responses in Notion.
You can connect your Tally form to different Notion databases by setting up the integration multiple times.
You can connect your Tally form to different Notion databases by setting up the integration multiple times.

1. Connect to Notion

After you publish your Tally form, go to the Integrations tab. Then, press Connect to Notion.
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Click Log in to Notion when prompted. In the resulting authentication menu, you’ll be asked to allow Tally access to your workspace.
Click the workspace name at the top right to switch to another Notion workspace if needed. When you’re ready, press Select pages.
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Now, you'll see a list of all pages in the selected workspace. Choose the pages you would like the integration to access, and press Allow access.
Make sure that the Notion database you want to sync with Tally already exists or will be created inside one of the pages you allowed access to.
Make sure that the Notion database you want to sync with Tally already exists or will be created inside one of the pages you allowed access to.
You will also be able to add or remove the integration from your pages later from within Notion.
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2. Select a database

Give your connection a name — it’s for internal Tally use and helpful if you have multiple integrations on the same form. Then either select an already logged-in Notion account or click the + icon to connect a new one.
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In the dropdown, select the Notion database you want to sync. If you don’t see yours available, click the refresh button.
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Databases without titles are currently not displayed in the dropdown.
Databases without titles are currently not displayed in the dropdown.
If your database still doesn’t appear in the dropdown, go to Settings & members in your linked Notion account and click on My connections. Here, you can check which pages are shared with Tally by clicking on and opening Access selected pages to update if necessary.
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3. Map your fields

The next step is to map your Tally form fields to your Notion properties.
For example, you might have a contact form with three Tally blocks:
  • Short answer to capture respondent names
  • Email block to capture email addresses
  • Multiple choice block to collect services the respondents are interested in
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To map the corresponding fields in your Notion database:
  • Create a Notion Text property and title it “Name” (you can use the first default database property)
  • Add an Email property and title it “Email”
  • Add a Select or Status property and title it “Services”
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Now, you can map the properties in Tally by selecting Name for the first Tally field to correspond with Name Notion property, and so on. Click + Add property to add more fields.
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Below is an overview of how Tally fields correspond to Notion properties.
Tally field
Notion property
Short answer
Long answer
Multiple choice
Select or Status
Checkbox option
Select or Status
Payment (price)
Linear scale
Files & media
File upload
Files & media
Matrix (default)
Matrix (multiple selection)
The first property in a Notion database is Title property. You can map it to Short answer or Long answer Tally fields or, alternatively, map it to a Submission ID or Respondent ID.

Also note that you can only map one Tally field to a Notion property.
The first property in a Notion database is Title property. You can map it to Short answer or Long answer Tally fields or, alternatively, map it to a Submission ID or Respondent ID. Also note that you can only map one Tally field to a Notion property.

How to map checkboxes to Notion

Let's say you created a form that includes a checkbox question (in this example, "Choose your sport").
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This checkbox field in Tally allows for multiple answers and needs to be mapped to either multi-select or checkbox property in Notion.
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Mapping to multi-select will show all selected options as tags in Notion, like in the ‘Sport’ column. For this option, simply map your Tally checkbox to multi-select.
Mapping each option to a checkbox will show which options were selected and which weren’t (like in the ‘Running,’ ‘Swimming,’ and ‘Hiking’ columns). In this case, map each individual Tally checkbox option to the corresponding Notion checkbox.
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Insert a longer copy into the Page content block. Simply type anything you'd like to add, format text by selecting it, and insert responses by typing @. The added content will appear as page content when you open the individual database row. @All answers automatically adds all input, hidden and calculated fields that are not empty.
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Switch on the Export existing responses toggle if you wish to sync existing responses from your form to Notion.
Exporting previously submitted responses can take a while, especially when there's a lot. Please keep the browser tab open while the responses sync with your Notion database. Open Notion to see the progress as the responses are synced.

How to map a Tally field to a Person property

Our native integration doesn’t support the Person property yet, but you can use this workaround with Make.

How to map a Tally field to a Relation property

Our native integration doesn’t support the Relation property yet, but you can use this workaround with Make.

4. Activate the integration

Click Connect with Notion, and you're good to go! Your form responses will now get synced to your Notion database.
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Open a row as a page to see the feature description in the page content.
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Changing timezones in Notion

Submission times are displayed in UTC when exported to integrations. Add a Formula property to your database with the following formula:
dateAdd(prop("Date"), X, "hours")
Use the name of your Date column and the number of hours for the time difference as X.


I don’t see my Notion database when connecting
Go to Settings & members in your linked Notion account and click on My connections. Check which pages are shared with Tally by clicking on and opening Access selected pages to update if necessary.
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Then, click to refresh the database dropdown and select the newly synced database.
My submissions are not syncing to Notion
Open the integration event logs to see potential errors by clicking 🕓 next to your integration connection.
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Tally x Notion tutorials

Get started with our Tally x Notion guides.

7 ways to use Tally and Notion for business

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