Redirect on completion

When a respondent submits a form, you can redirect them to an external URL — a Tally form or an external site. You can also pass submitted form data through the URL, which is handy when passing information to another form or site.
Redirect on completion is free to use for all Tally users.
Redirect on completion is free to use for all Tally users.


How to set up a redirect on completion

  1. Go to the form settings of your published form
  1. Switch on the toggle next to Redirect on completion
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  1. Add a new web address of choice that will load once a respondent clicks the submit button at the end of your form.
Respondents don't see Thank you pages when you use Redirect on completion.
Redirect on completion doesn’t work when using Preview mode in the builder.
Respondents don't see Thank you pages when you use Redirect on completion. Redirect on completion doesn’t work when using Preview mode in the builder.

Create a dynamic redirect

You can also use form data to create a dynamic redirect URL based on the form responses or conditional logic.

How it works

In the URL section, type @ to get a dropdown with available data to add to your URL.
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There are several types of data you can add to your URL:
  • Metadata
    • Submission ID: Unique identifier of a response
    • Respondent ID: Unique identifier of a respondent across all forms of the same workspace
  • Input fields

Types of redirects you can create

You can customize the redirect URL in a few different ways:
  • Add form data as part of your URL path:
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  • Add data as query parameters (and pre-fill them in another form):
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  • Use form data as the domain part of the URL:
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  • Add data to redirect to an entire URL or different URLs based on respondent answers (learn more about this in our guide below):
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Redirect to different URLs and Tally forms

To redirect users to different websites, landing pages, or Tally forms upon form completion, you’ll need to use conditional logic and calculated fields.
You can also add hidden blocks to allow respondents to enter additional information before leaving the form for more comprehensive and trackable lead capture. As a result, the form creates an interactive landing page-like experience.
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In the example below, we want to redirect respondents who choose "Follow me on LinkedIn" to a LinkedIn profile link and those who choose “Visit my website” to a website link when they submit the form. 

We also want to show hidden blocks that allow respondents who select “Subscribe to my newsletter” to enter their email address and check the consent box, and a contact form with name, email, and message blocks for respondents who select “Send a message.”
In the example below, we want to redirect respondents who choose "Follow me on LinkedIn" to a LinkedIn profile link and those who choose “Visit my website” to a website link when they submit the form. We also want to show hidden blocks that allow respondents who select “Subscribe to my newsletter” to enter their email address and check the consent box, and a contact form with name, email, and message blocks for respondents who select “Send a message.”
You can follow the steps below using our pre-made template or start by creating your form using Multiple choice question block. You can also use checkboxes. Enter answer options that encourage form visitors to take action. You can add as many answer options as you want.
If you want respondents to enter any information on this form, follow by adding input fields to capture data. In our example, we added:
  • A Long answer, Short answer, and Email blocks to allow respondents to send a message
  • A title and Email and Checkbox blocks to sign up for a newsletter
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Add all input fields directly below each other and ensure you’ve turned on the Hide toggle for every added block. This will hide blocks from respondents unless they select an answer option that reveals them.
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Next, you need to add a calculated field which will allow you to mention it when you set up the redirect on completion. Type/calculated below the hidden blocks to add it:
  • In the first field, assign a name you will use to set up a redirect, for example, “URL”
  • Select Text as the type in the dropdown
  • Leave the Initial value blank
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The next step is to add conditional logic for every answer option on your form to redirect respondents to the correct destination. Do this below the calculated field you just created.
We start with the first answer option, which leads to an external link (”Follow me on LinkedIn”):
  • Type /conditional to add a conditional logic block
  • In the first dropdown, select your question (”How would you like to connect with me?”)
  • In the Select option dropdown, click on the relevant answer option (”Follow me on LinkedIn”)
  • In the Select action dropdown, choose Calculate
  • In the Value field, paste the relevant URL to redirect respondents
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  • Repeat the same steps for any other answer options that redirect users to an external link. You can simply duplicate the logic block in the block settings or select, copy, and paste it. Then, change the selections to match your next answer option. In our example, we added it for “Visit my website.”
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To redirect users to another Tally form, you’ll need to copy and paste the published form’s share link using the same steps as above. You can find your Tally form’s URL in the Share tab of your published form.
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If you added any hidden blocks, you’ll need to add conditional logic similar to the steps above:
  • Insert (or copy and paste) another conditional logic block
  • Select the question (”How would you like to connect with me?”) in the first dropdown and the relevant answer (”Subscribe to my newsletter”) in the Select option dropdown
  • In the Select action dropdown, select Show blocks
  • In the second dropdown, select all hidden blocks you want to reveal when users choose this answer option
In our example, we want to show:
  • Newsletter sign-up title
  • Email entry block
  • A checkbox to confirm consent
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  • Repeat this step for any other hidden blocks you want to show. In our example, we want to show the hidden contact form blocks when a respondent selects “Send a message.”
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Click the Preview button to check if the form displays the calculated field and conditional logic:
  • Mention the calculated field in your form by typing @ to see if the URL changes in the preview (don’t forget to delete it before sharing your form)
  • Click on the answers associated with the hidden blocks to see if they appear
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After clicking the Preview button, all hidden blocks should appear when clicking on the relevant answer option, and the URL mention should update after clicking on any answer options that redirect respondents. Once ready, publish your form.
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The final step is to enable redirect on completion:
  • Go to the Settings tab of your form
  • Turn on the Redirect on completion toggle
  • Mention the calculated field you set up (”URL”) by clicking or typing @ and selecting your calculated field from the dropdown.
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Your form will now redirect respondents to different URLs or show hidden blocks based on their responses. In the Summary tab of your published form, you can track visitor activity to see how many respondents clicked on your links.
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