Phone number

The Phone Number block is designed to help you collect phone numbers in a formatted and neat way. Whether capturing contact details or building a job application form, this block is a powerful way to ensure that every phone number you collect is clean, readable, and valid.
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Add a Phone Number block

Simply type /phone to insert the Phone number block.
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To avoid untitled fields in your form results, add a title or label block above the Phone Number block or enter placeholder text by simply typing inside the block.
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When a respondent selects the Phone Number block, a visual hint for the phone number entry and a country select will appear. The input mask ensures the respondent enters the phone number in the correct format. Click the Preview mode to try this out.
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The input mask detects the phone number type (mobile or fixed line) and will adjust the visual hints accordingly.
The input mask detects the phone number type (mobile or fixed line) and will adjust the visual hints accordingly.
The respondent can type or select a country code from the dropdown menu. For countries that share the same country code, a list of matching countries will appear in the dropdown.
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Phone Number settings

Default country code

You can choose a default country code that will be prefilled to save time for your respondents. Open the block settings ⋮⋮ and click on the Default country code for a dropdown of countries available.
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International format

Newly created phone number blocks use the international format by default. This format adds separation to the country code and displays the correct phone number length based on the selected country. You can disable it by switching off the International format toggle.
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Phone number blocks created before 19/11/2022 do not have international formatting and aren’t affected by this update. You can, however, switch to the new format by turning on the International format toggle.
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If you want to update an old phone number input, do not delete it, but instead enable the International format.
If you want to update an old phone number input, do not delete it, but instead enable the International format.

Hide block

You can hide or show the Phone Number block using conditional logic.

Make it required

Make the Phone Number block required by using the Required toggle or use the shortcut  cmd/ctrl+ shift+ R.
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Add a default answer

Pre-fill the phone number for your respondents by entering a value or choosing one from the dropdown menu.

View phone numbers

The phone numbers will be available in the form Submissions tab in this format: +32485939364
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Get started with form templates

Duplicate one of our form templates and start collecting phone numbers right away.
Contact form
Collect information from leads or website visitors with this simple contact form.
Contact form Collect information from leads or website visitors with this simple contact form.
Job application form
Find the ideal candidate for the job with this ready-to-go job application form template.
Job application form Find the ideal candidate for the job with this ready-to-go job application form template.
Registration form
Register people for your online or offline event with our mobile-friendly form template.
Registration form Register people for your online or offline event with our mobile-friendly form template.
GDPR compliant contact form
Collecting personal data? Use this form template with consent checkbox included.
GDPR compliant contact form Collecting personal data? Use this form template with consent checkbox included.