Tally forms work like a text document — you can simply start typing and insert blocks without touching your mouse. And with shortcuts, you can build forms with Tally even faster and easier.

Slash commandsInput blocksLayout blocksEmbed blocksAdvanced blocksQuestions
Create & style your contentEdit & move blocksBlock optionsMarkdown style@ mentionsCommand menu
Slash commands
in Tally will open a menu of the form blocks you can insert into your form. You can expand this shortcut by adding a specific search term — for example, type /email
to insert an email input block. See all slash commands below.
Input blocks
inserts a short answer
inserts a long answer
inserts a multiple choice
inserts a checkbox
inserts a dropdown
inserts a multi-select
inserts a number block
inserts an email block
inserts a phone number block
inserts a URL block
inserts a date picker
inserts a time picker
inserts a file upload block
inserts a payment block
inserts a rating block
inserts a ranking block
inserts a linear scale
inserts a signature block
inserts a matrix block
Layout blocks
inserts a large heading
inserts a medium-sized heading
inserts a small heading
inserts a label
inserts a text block
inserts a divider
inserts a new page
inserts a ‘Thank you’ page
Embed blocks
lets you insert an image
lets you embed a video from YouTube, Vimeo, etc.
lets you upload an audio file
shows an overview of the available embed options
Advanced blocks
inserts a conditional logic block
inserts a calculated field
inserts a hidden field
inserts a reCAPTCHA block
opens a list with pre-made combinations of questions and input blocks
followed by any input block will insert question + input combinations. For example,/q email
will add a question with email input.
Create & style your content
- Press
to insert a line of text
- Press
to create a line break within a block of text
- Select text and press
to bold text.
- Select text and press
to italicize text
- Select text and press
to underline text
- Select text and press
to add a link. You can also paste a URL over selected text and turn it into a link usingcmd/ctrl
Edit & move blocks
- Press
to select the block you're currently in
- Press
to edit any text inside a selected block
- Press
up/down arrow keys
to select a different block
- Hold
+up/down arrow keys
to move selected blocks around
- Press
to delete selected blocks
- Press
to copy selected blocks
- Press
to paste selected blocks
- Press
to duplicate the current block or selected blocks
- Press
to undo the latest changes
- Press
to redo changes on Mac
- Press
to redo changes on Windows
Block options
- Press
to toggle an input’s required option
- Press
to toggle a block’s or selected blocks’ hidden option
- Press
to insert conditional logic below the current block
Markdown style
At the beginning of a new line or block, try these:
- Type
followed byspace
to create an H1 heading
- Type
followed byspace
to create an H2 sub-heading
- Type
followed byspace
to create an H3 sub-heading
- Type
to create a checkbox
- Type
to create a multiple-choice
- Type
to create a dropdown
- Type
to create a divider
@ mentions
- Type
to open a list of answers that can be mentioned in your form
Command menu
- Type
to enable the command menu and quick search in your Tally dashboard or when building forms