How to create a free quiz with Tally

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Quizzes are a great, interactive way to test your respondents’ knowledge or simply to have fun.
With Tally, you can build and personalize your own quiz in minutes, calculate scores without any technical skills, and automatically send quiz results to your respondents.
✔️ Add smart calculations ✔️ Customize with media ✔️ Automate follow-up


What’s a scored quiz?

A scored quiz, or knowledge quiz, is an assessment tool with points assigned to each answer option. As respondents complete the quiz, their score gets tallied.
The two main ways to structure quiz scoring are:
  • Assign varying points to all answer options to measure respondents’ depth of knowledge on the subject matter.
  • Award points only for the correct answer(-s), creating a simple right/wrong scoring system to test basic knowledge.
Want to create a more advanced personality quiz with different outcomes instead? Check out our guide to building personality quizzes.
Want to create a more advanced personality quiz with different outcomes instead? Check out our guide to building personality quizzes.

What scored quiz should I create?

Scored quizzes have endless applications, from testing knowledge in a business environment to adding something fun to your next game day with friends and family. Here are just some ideas to consider:
  • Academic knowledge quizzes for students
  • Casual quizzes as icebreakers for teams
  • Quizzes for instant gratification to create social media engagement
  • Customer quizzes as lead magnets
  • Quizzes to reinforce learning for online courses
  • Employee training quizzes
  • Leaderboard-driven quiz competitions with prizes or incentives
  • Trivia quizzes for friends and family

How to create a free quiz in Tally

Once you have an idea, it’s time to create your first quiz in Tally. Follow the steps below to create a free quiz you can send to your respondents.

1. Create a new form

Get started with this pre-made template or by creating a new Tally form and inserting your questions. You can add any type of question by typing / or clicking +.
You can also engage your respondents with visual elements:
  • Add color to answer options
  • Use the embed block to embed any online content, such as audio or video
  • Add images to the multiple-choice block to create a question with pictures
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2. Calculate the score

After adding all the questions, assign points to the correct answer options. This will enable Tally to calculate the total score for each respondent.
First, start by creating a calculated field that will tally all the points the respondents score. Add this directly below your first question:
  • Type / and insert a Calculated field. Name the field, for example, “Score”.
  • Select Number as the field type and enter zero as the initial value.
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Now, you can start adding conditional logic blocks below every question and assign points to the correct answers:
  • Type / and insert Conditional logic directly below the question.
  • Assign scores to the questions using the Calculate function. In this example, choosing the correct answer ('Tiny shrimps') will add 10 points to the score.
  • Repeat this step for every question in your form.
The blocks below the first question should look like the following example. The rest of the quiz questions will only have the conditional logic block below them.
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3. Show the quiz results

You’ll need to create a Thank You page to show respondents their quiz scores. This page is visible after respondents click the Submit button to finish the quiz.
To add it:
  • Switch the ‘Thank you’ page toggle if you already have a page.
  • Alternatively, type /Thank and insert the Thank you page block after the last quiz question.
  • Add any text you want respondents to see when completing the quiz. You can customize the text using different colors, and heading sizes and insert images or videos.
  • To show the score, add text, such as “Your score is,” followed by typing @ to mention your calculated field value. Choose your calculated field (”Score”) from the dropdown menu.
  • Add another Thank you page below if you want to display a different results page based on the number of points the respondent receives.
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  • The final step is to insert Conditional logic on the last quiz page before any 'Thank you' pages (before the 'Submit' button). This is necessary because the logic gets activated when the respondent clicks the 'Submit' button.
In this example, we show the respondent the first 'Thank you' page if the score is 15 or higher and the second 'Thank you' page if the score is lower than 15.
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Embed the quiz on your website

You can share your Tally form as a standalone page or embed it on a website. The embed options are in the Share tab of your published form.

Email results to respondents and yourself

You might find it useful to be notified when respondents complete your quiz. You can enable self email notifications in the Settings tab of your published form to receive an email upon every form submission. Self email notifications are free to all Tally users.
For more personalized communication with respondents, Tally Pro allows you to create customized self- and respondent email notifications. You can fully edit the email body text and insert variables captured from your form, such as respondent names, enabling more engaging and on-brand communications to support your marketing efforts.
Follow the steps below to set up respondent email notifications.
Customized self- and respondent email notifications are a Tally Pro feature.
Customized self- and respondent email notifications are a Tally Pro feature.

1. Add a block to capture email addresses

You’ll need to add an email address block to capture respondent email addresses and send them their quiz results. You can:
  • Add an email block at the start of the quiz to capture the user's email address before they potentially abandon the quiz midway
  • Add an email block at the end of your quiz, which could avoid creating a barrier to entry for users who simply want to take the quiz without commitment
Both methods have pros and cons. You can also pair the email address block with capturing other demographic data if that makes sense for your quiz.
For certain quiz types, you may want to set the email field as an optional step so respondents can choose whether or not to receive their results via email.
If left as an optional field, respondents who skip providing an email address will still be able to view their quiz results on a Thank you page but will not receive a personalized email with those results.
In our example, we added an email block at the end of the quiz. To do the same:
  • Create a new page after your last question (including its conditional logic block). Type /page and select New page to insert it.
  • Ensure that this page also includes the final two conditional blocks leading respondents to the correct Thank You page.
  • Insert an email block by typing /email. The block is mandatory by default.
  • Add any other headings or text.
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After respondents submit their quiz answers, the email capture page will look as follows:
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If you capture respondents’ email addresses (and other data), we recommend you check out our guide for creating a GDPR-compliant form to securely collect and process data.
If you capture respondents’ email addresses (and other data), we recommend you check out our guide for creating a GDPR-compliant form to securely collect and process data.

2. Create a personalized email

In your form Settings tab, enable the Respondent email notifications toggle. Now, you can add any text you want respondents to receive after filling out your quiz.
  • In the email recipient section, mention the email block using @
  • In the email body, mention the quiz results using @Score
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As a result, the personalized email received by each respondent will show how many points they scored in the quiz.
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