Integrately is a Zapier and Make alternative, offering numerous pre-made automations which you can activate in one click. Use our Integrately integration to connect Tally to Google Sheets, Slack, ClickUp, Trello, and other apps.
The Integrately integration is available for free to all Tally users.

How it works
Integrately offers setting up single or multi-step automation, linking Tally with numerous popular tools. You don’t need any coding knowledge to get started, and the free Integrately account lets you create up to five single-step automations.
Connect to Integrately
Create an Integrately account or log in if you already have one. Head over to the Tally page on Integrately and choose which application you want to connect to Tally.

Integrately will show a list of ready automations for the two selected apps. Click the automation you are looking for, or create your own by following these steps.
Make sure you select
Response is created in Tally
as the trigger that starts the automation, and then select what you want the automation to do, for example, create a new folder in Google Drive.
The next step is to sign in to Tally when prompted and authorize Integrately to access your Tally account.

Then, select which Tally form you want to use for the automation from the
Form Id
Integrately will perform a brief test record, and if successful, you’ll be prompted to sign in with the app you’re connecting, such as Google Drive.
Once connected, follow the instructions for customizing your automation. You’ll need to map the fields — for each field in the destination app, select the corresponding Tally form field.

After you’re done mapping fields, click the
Test & Turn ON
button to test and activate your connection. 
The final step is to send a test submission to your Tally form to test the automation. Simply submit a response to your Tally form to see if the automation works as intended.