
ApiX-Drive is a no-code automation platform, offering an alternative to Zapier and Make. The ApiX-Drive integration allows you to connect Tally with over 150 popular apps, including CRMs, messengers, task managers, and more.
The ApiX-Drive integration is available for free to all Tally users.
The ApiX-Drive integration is available for free to all Tally users.
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How it works

ApiX-Drive offers a simple integration setup without any coding knowledge required. The platform connects Tally as a data source and loads information from submitted forms. Then, you can select which app to send the data to and what actions you want to execute. You can get started with a free ApiX-Drive account.

Connect to ApiX-Drive

Create a new ApiX-Drive account or log in if you already have one. Once logged in, click on the Create connection button in your dashboard.
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In the Select system dropdown, click on Tally and press Continue.
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Next, select Get DATA as the trigger action and continue.
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You’ll need to connect your Tally account in the next step. Once connected, click the Continue button.
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In the next page, you’ll see a URL for receiving data. Highlight and copy it.
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Then, head over to your Tally dashboard and open the form you want to connect. In the Integrations tab of your published form, click to connect with Webhooks.
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In the Endpoint URL field, insert the link copied from ApiX-Drive. Then, click to Connect.
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Now, you can fill and submit your Tally form to test the connection. Once you’ve filled in your form, return to the ApiX-Drive site and click the Edit and continue button. Skip the filter editing setting, and click Continue.
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On the next page, you’ll see all data that will be loaded from your connected form. If no data shows, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the Load test data from Tally button. After successfully completing the test, click the Continue button.
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Now, you can start the setup for the app you want to connect with your Tally form.
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On the next page, use the dropdown to select the app you want to connect and click Continue.
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Similar to how you connected Tally, follow the step-by-step process to select what actions you want the integration to perform. You can use multiple systems as data destinations, including additional functionality, such as if/else logic, filters, and more.