
The Number block allows you to collect any data that requires numerical input. Whether you're gathering respondents' ages, donation pledges, or employee expenses, you can customize this block to fit your use case.
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Add a Number block

Simply type /number to insert the Number block.
Add a title or label block above the Number block or enter placeholder text by simply typing inside the block. Placeholder text makes it easier for respondents to see the expected input, such as quantity for an order or project budget.
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Respondents can only enter numbers in the Number block. For any additional information requiring text or symbols, consider using other form blocks, such as Short answer.
Respondents can only enter numbers in the Number block. For any additional information requiring text or symbols, consider using other form blocks, such as Short answer.

Number settings

Make it required

Make the Number block required by using the Required toggle.
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Add a default answer

You can choose a default answer that will be prefilled to save time for your respondents. Open the block settings ⋮⋮ and click on the Default answer. You can manually enter a default value or select another form field with numerical input or answer options.
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Change format

Number blocks use a number format by default. You can also change the format to:
  • Percent
  • Currency (US Dollar, Euro, or Pound)
  • Custom
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The Custom format lets you manually enter a prefix and/or suffix. This is useful for other currencies or measurements. For example:
  • Add "JP¥" as a prefix for Japanese yen input
  • Use "°C" as a suffix for temperature input in Celsius
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To change the default formatting of decimal and thousands separators, select your preferred options in the block settings.
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Set min or max number

You can set a minimum or maximum limit for the Number block input. Simply enable the corresponding toggle and enter the numerical value. For example:
  • Minimum: Set a lower limit of 18 for an age input field in an adult-only survey
  • Maximum: Set an upper limit of 100 for the number of event tickets available
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If respondents enter a value that doesn't fit the minimum or maximum limits you set, they will see an error message when submitting the form.
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Hide block

You can hide or show the Number block using conditional logic.

View numbers

Respondents' numerical inputs will be displayed in the Submissions tab of your published form. These values will include any default or custom prefixes or suffixes you've set for the Number block.
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