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Experimental COO, My Next Electric

Thanks for your interest in being an Experimental COO at My Next Electric. The goal of this project is to hire four curious, clever people to help me test 4 business models for $25K each from June to August, 2023.
Each Experimental COO will also be paid for an additional month of review and succession planning in September.
You'll also get access to everything in my course on leadership, including the toolkit and coaching from me, if you want it! :|
The job description is here:; if you have any questions, please email me at [email protected]. Thanks, Matt Candler


To understand the context of what we're trying to do, and what you're in for, please take some time for the stuff on this list before you complete everything else on this page...
1. Read the launch post and this edit
2. Take our crash course - free link
3. Write a one page plan for your first week.
4. Write a one page plan for June-August.

Let's start with some contact info

Which COO role are you applying for? (You can apply for as many as you like, but please submit a separate app for each.)

Which COO role are you applying for? (You can apply for as many as you like, but please submit a separate app for each.)

Why are you interested in this project and in My Next Electric?

Please upload your one page plan for your first week.

Please upload your one page plan for June-August.

Do you already live in New Orleans?

Do you already live in New Orleans?

If no, can you relocate to New Orleans for June-August?

If no, can you relocate to New Orleans for June-August?

If no, can you travel to New Orleans for 5 days each month from June-August? You can allocate from the $25K if you need to.

If no, can you travel to New Orleans for 5 days each month from June-August? You can allocate from the $25K if you need to.

Please spend 1-minute or less to sketch your favorite vehicle ever then upload it here.

Is there anything else you'd like to share?

Thank you for taking the time to submit this app and share your vision. - Matt Candler, Founder