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Brand healthcheck survey

A healthy brand requires authenticity, consistency, relevance to its customers and differentiation from competitors. To assess your brand's health, please answer the questions below. One of the Sharp Sharp team will then contact you, to share the results and recommendations.
Estimated time required: under five minutes - they are mostly multiple choice!

What is your full name?

What is your email address?

We will send the results to you at this address.


How did you hear about this survey?


1) How consistently is the brand applied across sales and marketing collateral, internal documents and on the brand’s products?

1) How consistently is the brand applied across sales and marketing collateral, internal documents and on the brand’s products?
Highly inconsistentHighly consistent

2) Which of the following documents exist for the brand?

2) Which of the following documents exist for the brand?

3) Which of the following elements of brand strategy already exist?

3) Which of the following elements of brand strategy already exist?

4) How well do the following items align with company goals?

Brand strategy
Not at allStongly align
Visual identity
Not at allStongly align
Written materials
Not at allStongly align
Advertising and marketing materials
Not at allStongly align
Other brand touchpoints including customer-facing staff
Not at allStongly align

Authenticity, trust and transparency

5) How closely is the company’s purpose or vision followed by its actions?

5) How closely is the company’s purpose or vision followed by its actions?
Not at allRigorously followed

6) How well do the company's employees understand and embody the brand's values and mission?

6) How well do the company's employees understand and embody the brand's values and mission?
Not at allStrong understanding

7) How detailed and accessible is the information you provide about your products or services (e.g. manufacturing, ingredients, supply chain, who you will and won't work with)?

7) How detailed and accessible is the information you provide about your products or services (e.g. manufacturing, ingredients, supply chain, who you will and won't work with)?
No detailHighly detailed


8) Does the brand have a unique selling proposition, which is clearly promoted to its audience?

8) Does the brand have a unique selling proposition, which is clearly promoted to its audience?
No USPUSP is clearly promoted

9) How well does the brand's story and heritage differentiate it from its competitors?

9) How well does the brand's story and heritage differentiate it from its competitors?
Not at allStrongly

10) How well is the brand's position in the market differentiated from its competitors?

10) How well is the brand's position in the market differentiated from its competitors?
Not at allStrongly


11) How well does the brand’s offering match the customer's practical goals?

11) How well does the brand’s offering match the customer's practical goals?
Not at allStrongly

12) How well does the brand’s offering fit the customer's emotional needs?

12) How well does the brand’s offering fit the customer's emotional needs?
Not at allStrongly

13) How well does the brand’s offering fit the customer's aspirational goals? Scale of 0-10

13) How well does the brand’s offering fit the customer's aspirational goals? Scale of 0-10
Not at allStrongly

14) How accurately is customer sentiment about the brand monitored?

14) How accurately is customer sentiment about the brand monitored?
Most innacurateMost accurate

15) When did the brand last go through a significant review or update?

Is there anything else you'd like us to know?

That's it!
Thank you for completing this survey. Your information will be treated confidentially. You will be contacted soon with the results and recommendations.
Survey: © Sharp Sharp Creative Ltd. 2024
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