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Submit a Challenge

Civic Tech Marketplace (CTMP) connects volunteers with nonprofits and other public benefit groups looking for digital support.

To get started, we need to learn more about your needs. There is no right or wrong response and you don’t have to “have all the answers” - in fact, we prefer to start with questions and problems. We’ll have a quick chat to fill in any blanks and then we’ll use this information to attract and engage the right kind of volunteer talent to meet your challenge, setting the stage for success.

If there are any questions you don’t know how to answer, don’t fret! We can discuss them further in our meeting! 

Steps to submitting and posting your challenge onto CTMP 

1. Challenge Form Submission: Complete the form provided, offering valuable insights into your organization's digital landscape and challenges.
2. Form Review: Our dedicated team will meticulously review your submitted challenge form.
3. Initial Meeting: Expect to hear from us within 1-2 weeks. We'll coordinate a meeting to further understand your project scope and requirements.
4. Challenge Posting: Once the details are clarified, your challenge will be featured on the CTMP website, attracting the attention of skilled volunteers.
5. Volunteer Selection: A curated list of volunteers will be presented to your organization, giving you the opportunity to choose the individuals best suited to address your unique challenges.

Organization + Point of Contact

What is the name of your organization?

Tell us about your organization in 2-3 sentences.

Organization website

What is your full name?

What is your role in the organization?

What is your email?

LinkedIn Profile


What kind of support do you need?

Select all that apply
What kind of support do you need?

Who is the User?

Specify who you are trying to help or who will benefit from the solution to this challenge. It could be your organization itself, vendors, or front-facing customers

What is the ideal state?

Identify the goals of your users. Illustrate what the expected environment would look like once the target solution is implemented

What is the reality and challenges you’re dealing with?

Describe the current state of the process, service or product and the pains expressed by the users. If there are any specific examples that could help illustrate the gaps, this would be a great spot to add them in.

What are the consequences of not changing?

What happens if the problem is not fixed? For the users? For you? Do we have a sense of the magnitude of the effects?

What is the proposed solution?

What is the initial requested solution from the users and/or stakeholders? What's our hunch on what we need to do or build to reach the ideal state (see above)?

Envisioned Success

Was there a solution you have been envisioning? If yes, what did you have in mind?

How will you measure a successful and completed challenge?

What's the desirable outcome? Are there any key metrics and criteria?


How many volunteers are you looking for to support?

Possible volunteer roles: Designer, researcher, developer, project manager, etc..
E.g. 2 designers, 1 developer, etc.

Do you already know what skills you’re looking for?

If you’re not sure, we can help you identify the different roles and skills needed during our first initial meeting. (Select all that apply)
Do you already know what skills you’re looking for?

Please share any additional skills you'd like to highlight

Experience level you're looking for in your volunteers

We’ll have some advice in our intial meeting, but feel free to select all that apply (Select all that apply)
Experience level you're looking for in your volunteers

Who would be involved in this project from your team?

Who would be involved in this project from your team?

Challenge Logistics

When are you hoping for the solution to be ready?

When do you hope for the work to kick-off?

How many hours per week were you hoping the volunteers will contribute?

How many hours per week were you hoping the volunteers will contribute?

Location of work?

Location of work?

Would you like to add anything else?