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Let's partner up! 💯

Thanks for considering partnering with 100 School. We would love to better understand how we can help you connect with the AI and No-Code community in alignment with your goals.
Every quarter, we have over 15,000 participants join our challenges (#100DaysOfNoCode and #100DaysOfAI). Our daily bite-sized lessons are your bridge to an army of new, activated, and word-of-mouth users spreading your tool.
Help us explore our partnership by answering a few questions 🙏

What is your company?

Let us know a bit more about who you are and how we can reach you.

Which category would best describe your tool?

This will help us understand which challenge your tool would be a best fit for.
(#100DaysOfNoCode, #100DaysOfAI, or both)
Which category would best describe your tool?

What best describes your economic situation for partnering up?

What best describes your economic situation for partnering up?

Ideally, when would you like to roll out this partnership?

This will help us understand which quarter/challenge to feature your tool.
Ideally, when would you like to roll out this partnership?