感謝您參加非關舞蹈祭2023, 如果您能抽出2分鐘的時間填寫問卷,將對我們未來的活動帶來很大的幫助,讓我們更能滿足您和其他參加者的需求。再次感謝您的支持和參與。
Thank you for joining us at contemporary dance festival 2023. We would be grateful if you could take just 2 minutes to complete a survey to help us improve our future events and make them even more enjoyable for you and other customers. Thank you for your time and support.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. As a token of our appreciation, we would like to offer you a discount code "UNLOCKDC10" for your next purchase at our events on art-mate. We hope to see you again soon!