Form cover
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Hello Entrepreneur,

Are you running a cultural/creative company in or related to the Middle East and Africa? Thank you for giving us the chance to get to know you! This form will take you about 10-15 minutes to complete. We will ask about the company, the team, and your future plans.

The Team

Full name

What is your role in the company?

Is this your full time job?
Is this your main source of income?

How many full time employees work with you?

How many part time/freelance employees work with you?

Please share your email address

Please share your LinkedIn profile if you have one

Would you like to share a mobile number as well?

The Company

Company name

When was it incorporated?

Where is it incorporated?

In which sector does the company primerly operate?

Describe your company please (are you solving a problem or adding value?

Tell us more about your customers please (who, where, and why?)

How does your business generate income?

Please share your website

Please share primary social media channel(s)

Future Plans

Is this business sustainable? What do you need to keep it running?

Do you have plans to grow this business? Please till us how

Would you like to send us any documents (e.g., Pitch Deck) to review? 10 MB size limit

How did you hear about Originative?

How did you hear about Originative?