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Partner with Lookout Media

Welcome to Lookout Media. We're a community of over 90,000 highly engaged locals in cities all across Canada helping people understand, discover and and enjoy their city.
Currently we operate in Ottawa and Vancouver.
Tell us a bit about your business and we'll help you get in front of high-income, influential locals.

First name

Last name


Phone number

Whats your organization name

Please select the cities you're interested in advertising in.

Please select the cities you're interested in advertising in.

What is your objective for this partnership?*

Please note, if this is a request for a free event or other non-paid promotion in the newsletter, this is at the discretion of the editor, and you will need to email the publication of your city. Messages about free events will not get a response if submitted through this form.

To help best serve you, please select your budget size

To help best serve you, please select your budget size