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Inter Hospital Transfer: Patient/ Family Satisfaction Survey

The South Thames Paediatric Network (STPN) works across 19 Trusts in the South region covering South London, Kent, Surrey and Sussex. We work with hospitals and staff across the region to ensure that all children in the region have equal access to excellent care.
We would like to know about your or your child’s experience of being transferred from one hospital to another. Your feedback will help us ensure that children in our region have the best possible transfer experience. This survey will only take a few minutes of your time and is confidential and anonymised. If you were transferred by the South Thames Retrieval Service we would ask that you complete their feedback form rather than this one.
This questionnaire is to enable the STPN to gather feedback on the inter hospital transfer process. Please contact your hospital team directly if you have any clinical questions or concerns. 
Thank you for your help and time.
Please note this survey needs to opened on Google Chrome rather than Internet Explorer sorry for any inconvenience caused.

1. If you are the patient how old are you or how old is your child?

2. From which hospital were you transferred from?

3. To what hospital were you transferred to?

4. From the point you were informed of your/ your child's transfer, how long did the transfer take to the other hospital?

5. What was the reason for your/ your child's transfer?

6. How satisfied were you in regards to your/ your child's move to another hospital?

7. Thinking about moving from one hospital to another, what went well?

8. Thinking about moving from one hospital to another, could anything have been done better?

9. Please share any further comments regarding the transfer process.