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ufound Warm Intro Sign Up

Thanks for your interest in ufound! (
If you are interested in one of our paid plans, they are not yet available. As an early user, feel free to try out the platform with no cost! Enjoy and we will let you know once paid plans become available.
How does this work?
Remember, this is a warm intro exchange. You provide two warm intros from people in your network to other ufound members, and then we will provide you with a warm intro to your ideal customer in return.
The Process (see detailed step-by-step process here):
1. Fill in the form below so we can better understand (i) who you are, (ii) who your ideal customer profile is, and (iii) who you have in your network
2. Provide two ufound members with warm intros to people in your network.
3. Once you provide two warm intros, you will earn an Intro Credit. We will send you LinkedIn profiles that match your target customer. Confirm that you want to be introduced to a profile and get intro'd.
4. Repeat the process and earn more intro credits (see "Pricing" for Intro Credit caps).

Let's start of with the basics

We will use your contact information to contact you by email for warm intro opportunities.