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Sound Sensitivity and Auditory Research

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The aim of this research is to assess the impact of sound sensitivity and analyse the sound profile that causes auditory irritation. The survey explores a possibility of irritation reduction through the use of audio processing.
We are looking for individuals with sensitive hearing to participate in this survey.


This survey will guide you through a series of questions with two audio samples. For each question, the first audio sample you hear will be the original, unedited piece. The second sample will be the same as the first but processed.
The goal is to rate the harshness of each piece of audio based on how irritating it is.
The processed audio sample affects the harshness incrementally, i.e. the harsher the sound gets the more processed it is. The purpose of processing audio signal this way is to reduce harsh sounds and make a more uniform signal for a more pleasant listening experience.
Remember, the processed sample is not supposed to eliminate the irritation completely, but rather reduce the effect of it. The context of the audio should be clearly heard and understood. You will be asked if you can hear the audio context for each processed sample.
We ask that you listen carefully to each sample and provide your honest opinion when evaluating the effectiveness.
You can listen to both samples as many times as you want, although we believe that in most cases, listening to each sample just once or twice should be enough to assess the impact.


Please use good quality headphones and listen at a comfortable volume level. We ask that you do not change the volume level once a comfortable level is established, so as not to interfere with your auditory senses between audio samples.
WARNING Some audio samples include common trigger sounds for people with sensitive hearing. If you feel overwhelmed, feel free to take a break and come back to it later. If, for any reason, you cannot complete this survey, please send us an email at [email protected]
The test should take no more than 15 minutes to complete.
Your insights will play a significant role in further research of sound sensitivity. We appreciate your time and valuable input.