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6WIC S2: Quest W1

Your goal in week 1 is to :
- lock the idea you want to work on in the next 6 weeks.
- tell people in a few words that are easy to understand (one-liner).
- start working on version 1 (v1) & show the concept or how it works. (image / video / links)
- commit on your idea publicly + tag @joinclosa so others can see you. learn how to set the right goal & define your v1 (here)
- show support or give feedback to others (here's the filter post to find others on twitter)
Resource: 6WIC S2 resources + timeline (here)

Reward: 300 Points · 50 points if you're late.
Due July 3 at 23.59 WIB but better submit late than nothing.

Which the best describe you

Which the best describe you

Discord username

What stage your idea at

What stage your idea at

Your idea in one-liner

Write something that make your idea easy to understand.

Link to your public post of 6WIC goal

commit publicly is how you stay accountable & make it more excited tag @joinclosa so others can see your post.

Your feedback or support to others

Show support to 3 people on their ideas: - you can tell them what you like about it. - or ask questions to learn more about the idea.
(here's the filter post, to find others on twitter)