Sertifikat akan dikirim ke email yang di submit di bagian ini. / Certificate will be sent to the email submitted in this section.
Informasi ini akan digunakan untuk verifikasi dan pencatatan. Jika anda ingin tetap anonim, kosongkan bagian ini. / This will be used to help verify the donation and for recordkeeping. If you would like to remain anonymous, leave this field blank.
Jika anda ingin meninggalkan pesan dengan donasi anda, tulis pesan anda disini. / If you would like to leave a message with your donation, please write it here.
Mohon unggah bukti donasi anda (Screenshot Transfer/Bukti Pembayaran). / Please upload the receipt of your donation (Transaction Screenshot/Receipt).
Mohon tuliskan nama yang anda ingin cantumkan di Sertifikat Donasi. / Please type the name you would like to include in the Donation Certificate.
Mohon pilih tanggal yang anda ingin cantumkan di Serfitikat Donasi. / Please select the date you would like to include in the Donation Certificate.
Jumlah donasi di sertifikat akan kami sesuaikan dengan bukti donasi yang telah diunggah di bagian Bukti Donasi sebelumnya. / The donation amount in the certificate will be adjusted according to the uploaded Proof of Donation in the previous section.