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Hardback, Paperback and Dust Jacket Form

Hello! This is your custom book design form to fill out for your wrap(s), which will be finished within about two weeks ♥ As a disclaimer, I do have a medical disability that causes unpredictable disruptions - I will try and reach out as soon as possible should I need a little more time on your project. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me. Thank you!

Information for Your Custom

Email for Contact?
Legal Name:
Book Name:

Ingram and KDP Print Covers

Once you have your edited manuscript finished, we can schedule a print cover (if not ready during front cover creation)! That will be 2-3 weeks out, so please let me know with ample time. Choosing the sizing now allows for me to create the most ideal proportional layout for later on. Please upload your KDP or Ingram templates here. For specialized templates, please include all information and needs. I may reach out if needing more information. Any revised edits needed after finalizing a wrap will be €35-75 per cover.

Blurb For Back or Flaps:

Please paste in your blurb, and double check for any typos. You can also indicate any special emphasis as needed.

Back Quotes for Dust Jacket or Paperback:

Let me know if you would like to include a back quote on the paperback or your blurb only. For quotes, keep them on the shorter end, and please offer at least 4-5 to pick from. Thank you!

When can I add the cover to my portfolio?

Your work will be not released without being first revealed by you should you choose, this is totally your choice!