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✨Pretty Pickie Job Application Form

Thanks for your interest in joining Pretty Pickie! Please fill out the form below to help us get to know you better. If we think you might be a good fit, we'll reach out within 3-5 business days to discuss next steps.

Contact Details:

Help us get to know you better!

How passionate are you about jewelry and fashion?
Help us get to know you better!
Rate your level of experience in retail or customer service.
Untitled rating field
How much do you enjoy creating fun and memorable experiences for customers?
Untitled rating field
Rate your ability to communicate effectively and build rapport with customers.
Untitled rating field
How excited are you about the opportunity to learn and grow with a small business?
Untitled rating field

Upload your resume:

Ready to shine with us?

Click "Submit" and let your application sparkle! ✨

P.S. Have any questions or unique skills to showcase? Include them in the comments section below!