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The Garden living application

Greetings screenlooker, This is a curated place, unlike any other. We’re not interested in your followers, fortune, or fame [though none of those exclude you]. We seek unique individualsβ€”the curious, the brave, the caring, and the sensitive. It's not just what you do, but how and why you do it that intrigues us. This is not your average place. We don't care about how many followers you have, how much money you have, or how successful you are [though none of those things are disqualifiers.] We are looking for the unique, curious creatures, brave beasts, sensitive souls. We care more about how & why you do it, than what you do [though the what can say a lot]. Completing this application is not a confirmed entry. This is a filter, not a funnel. If we lose you, that's alright. This is an application for one of thirty places available. Only ~one of ~three people who begin this application complete it. This season we've only accepted ~100 of ~300 applicants. You are applying to spend week(s) of your precious life in a place like no where else on earth. Please answer thoughtfully πŸ–€.

🧲 Attractors & Passions

This multidisciplinary ecosystem is is a co-created and experimental.

We are seeking to attract those who check multiple boxes off this list to seed a diverse cultural enviroment.

βœ… your passions:

βœ… your passions:

Any passions or workshops you'd like to explore or share during your time here?

First, we need your consent!

I consent to my data being stored and reviewed for the process of this application.

If you wish for your data to be removed at any time, please click here.
Your data will not be sold or released publicly.
Your answers are reviewed by two of the Garden team.
We value data privacy πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ.
First, we need your consent! I consent to my data being stored and reviewed for the process of this application.

First Name

Last Name

What is your email address?

Where did you hear about this?

If someone referred you, who was it?

Are you applying as a muse or artisan?

Are you applying as a muse or artisan?

Are you applying with someone else? [like a partner, friend, or family?]

They need to fill out their own application :)
Are you applying with someone else? [like a partner, friend, or family?]

What is your # [Whatsapp preferred]

Is there any web or social media presence you'd like to share?

Where are you at in your life right now?

Why do you want to join?

What's your intention? What do you seek?

What photo of you best captures your essence?

What's something you've created / built that you're proud of?

Feel free to add photos or videos!

What's a question or questions you wished strangers asked you when trying to get to know you?

What is your experience and approach to communication & conflict resolution?

What, if anything, is keeping you from living the life you want to live?

Do you wish to bring an animal with you?

Do you wish to bring an animal with you?

If we really knew you, what would we know?

What is something about yourself that you're working on?

What's your ideal way of getting to know a new person?

Are there any topics which are not OK to discuss?

If you added it all up, how much time have you spent outside of your home country?

What's your favorite conspiracy theory?

What do you believe is true that most other people believe is false?

Regarding the conflict between Israel & Palestine, do you think historical claims to territory are a sufficient basis for modern national boundaries?

If some foxes are doctors and some doctors are purple, does it logically follow that some foxes must be purple? Feel free to explain your reasoning

What languages do you speak?

What, if anything, does astrology mean to you?

If you know it, what is your MBTI type?

What is your relationship with movement & embodiment?

How do you feel about the recent advances in the field of AI?

What question do you wish was on this application?


Contributions are donations to the non-profit include stay & hearty community meals Mondayβ€”Friday + abundance of fruits & peanut butter. We're adjusted contributions to be inclusive of locals.
Capacity is limited, first-come, first served.

If you stay for more than one chapter, you'll receive a 10% discount. Three or more = 15% <3

See accommodation options here.

What accommodation is your preference?

Detailed photos of rooms & accommodation will be provided before booking.

If not available, what is your second choice?

Preferences are non-committal, you can change your mind or decide to book different accommodation.

Anything else?

Next steps:

1. We will review your application.

2. We may set up a call to make sure it's mutually a good fit.

3. If confirmed, you'll receive the booking details and more photos of accommodation options.

4. Once booked, we'll send you arrival instructions.

5. See you soon!

You will receive an automatic email confirmation that we have received your application. If you don't get this, email us at [email protected]