Thank you for participating in the Wage Project.
This form is for submitting day tours in which you worked as a local guide for yourself or a tour operator, and slept at home.
🔥 Please submit a different entry for each type of day tour you lead. We want to track the differences between you leading a private luxury tour group, and working as a step-on for a student tour company, for example.
Select all the categories that apply. Please submit separate entries for different kinds of tours.
Round to the nearest hour
Please enter in approximate USD; if you were paid a single fee for multiple hours, please divide by the tour length to enter an hourly rate. Do NOT include tips and extras.
Please estimate the amount of tips you receive for this particular TYPE of tour.
Not counting tips, how happy are you with the wage you get for this tour? (10 = very happy, 0 = not happy at all)
Compared to your expectations, how happy are you with your gratuities? (10 = very happy, 0 = not happy at all)
How much do you like this tour? (10 = a lot, 0 = not at all)