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Ziptoss Inquiry Form

Ziptoss Global KakaoTalk Channel 🎈 ⬆You can also have direct consultation here ⬆您还可以在这里进行直接咨询 :)

Welcome :) How can i call you? 😃 您好~ 请问, 我们该怎么称呼您呢?

What is your maximum budget for deposit and monthly rent? 您考虑中的保证金/房租的最高预算是?

Which area are you looking for ? 您在找哪个地区房源呢?

How long do you want to stay? 租期是多久呢?

When are you going to move in? 打算什么时候入住?

How many people are going to use the room? 🙆‍♀️🙆‍♂️ 一共几位入住?

How many people are going to use the room? 🙆‍♀️🙆‍♂️ 一共几位入住?

Do you have a pet / car ? 🐶🐱🚗 是否有宠物/车辆 ?

Do you have a pet / car ? 🐶🐱🚗 是否有宠物/车辆 ?

Please Enter your kakaoID / phone Number / email 📲📩 请留下您的有效联系方式,如KakaoID、电话号码、电子邮箱

What is your level of proficiency in Korean? 您会说点韩语什么程度呢?

Because landlords who typically accept foreign tenants inquire about Korean language proficiency and school info etc. so in advance checking. 因为一般接受外国租客的房东通常会提前了解租客的韩语水平和学校等信息,所以提前问一下
Basic 基础fluent 流利

Are you a student or working here? 是来韩国的留学生还是在这里工作?

Are you a student or working here? 是来韩国的留学生还是在这里工作?
Do you agree to the collection and use of personal information? 您是否同意收集和使用个人信息?