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Amplify Palestine Music Committee

Hello, what's your full name?

Please provide your email.

(Optional) What is your social media?

Are you a musician, music worker, &/or music educator?
(& if you're a music worker or educator, what organization or institution(s) do you work for?)

Which of the following working groups are you interested in? (Select as many as you'd like.)

Which of the following working groups are you interested in? (Select as many as you'd like.)

Are you interested in being part of Amplify Palestine's core organizing group, including occasional meetings?

Are you interested in being part of Amplify Palestine's core organizing group, including occasional meetings?

Are there other particular issues or initiatives you are interested in organizing around? What are you concerned about right now?

How did you come across this form?


You can send questions, ideas, & additional info to <[email protected]>; we'll be in touch via Google Group listserv at <[email protected]>.