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Wonder Tools Feedback 2024 đź‘‹

Thanks for being the kind of person who helps by answering these questions! Your candid input will help me, Jeremy, make decisions about Wonder Tools. I read every response.

What do you like about Wonder Tools, or how does it benefit you?

How likely would you be to recommend Wonder Tools to a friend or colleague? (10 = very likely)

How likely would you be to recommend Wonder Tools to a friend or colleague? (10 = very likely)

What's a topic or tool you'd like to read about in Wonder Tools and why?

What benefit, offering, or discount would motivate you to become a paid subscriber? Or if you're a paid subscriber, what motivated you and which benefits are useful?

What adjustment would make Wonder Tools more useful for you?

What do you do for a living?

Which changes would serve you well

Do it
Don't do it
No opinion
Make Wonder Tools posts shorter
Add more videos showing how I use tools
Add a bit of curation from other newsletters
Feature occasional guest writers
Host more live online demos & workshops
Add more how-to, step-by-step info for beginners

What other comment, suggestion, request or question would you like to add?

Share your email below if it would be OK for me to follow-up with you