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Consulting questionaire

Thank you for your interest in my 1:1 Creator Consulting Service.
Note: Only apply if you have a validated offer (My service doesn't include training you to acquire one to sell. Please don't apply if this is not you).
Please fill up this questionaire the best you can to see if we're a good fit.

1. First Name

2. Last Name

3. Email

4. What are you doing for work now?

4. What are you doing for work now?

5. What is your niche?

6. What is your biggest problem now?

6. What is your biggest problem now?

7. How long have you been dealing with this problem?

8. What is your current strategy?

9. Have you invested in a mentor, course or service to fix this?

9. Have you invested in a mentor, course or service to fix this?

10. If you answered Yes to question 9, why didn't it work for you?

11. Where would you like to be in 6 months?

12. Why is this goal important to you?

13. What is preventing you from getting there?

14. Are you able to commit financially, mentally, and physically comfortably if we work together?

14. Are you able to commit financially, mentally, and physically comfortably if we work together?

15. Do you need to seek approval from someone if we were to proceed?

15. Do you need to seek approval from someone if we were to proceed?

16. Why did you fill up this questionaire?