If not already done, please read the eligibility criteria (also published on our website) for joining the program.
You are trainer, expert or professional from one of the partner countries (Italy, Belgium, Germany) working with migrants, refugees and/or people from especially vulnerable groups of society or willing to target and cater to these groups in your work in the near future (proof needed).
You are enthusiastic about social innovation, entrepreneurship, co-creation and new learning formats that empower young entrepreneurs from all over Europe.
You have an open mindset and believe in the European values of diversity, inclusion and human rights as a basis for bringing about positive change in your community and beyond.
You commit yourself to participate in all 4 modules, and join the online live mentoring sessions on time.
You agree with your name and photo being published as one of the participants and co-authors of the training format on this website, social media and other communication materials. (GDPR compliance sheet)
You must be 18+ years old. Good command of English is required.