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Counselling Intake Form

Contact Details
Address Details
Whom are you seeking services for: (Mark only one)
Untitled multiple choice field
If you are requesting services for someone else, are they aware of this request?
Untitled multiple choice field
Please tell us about you (please select all that apply)
Untitled multi-select field
What is the age group of the person that you are seeking services for?
Untitled multi-select field
Please describe the kind of counselling you are seeking
Untitled multi-select field
Thank you for completing this request form. The information submitted will be held confidentially by SCAGO and not shared with other individuals or outside agencies without your documented verbal or written consent. We will contact you within 14 business days of receipt of this form to conduct a phone or virtual consultation to discuss your needs further. Note that SCAGO counselling services are short-term, do not constitute crisis or urgent care or medical advice, and are not intended to substitute for medical treatment or care. If you are experiencing an emergency or crisis, please call 911 or visit your nearest Emergency Room. Please click the appropriate option below if you agree with these terms and permit us to contact you.
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