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Messaging Habits Survey

We’re collecting insights on messaging habits and tools that could enhance response time. Your input will directly inform the design of a smarter messaging app for our ART 488: Interaction Design III project!

1. Which best describes the types of messages you receive the most?

1. Which best describes the types of messages you receive the most?

2. How comfortable are you with technology? (Scale of 1-5)

2. How comfortable are you with technology? (Scale of 1-5)
I struggle with certain technology tasksI use technology daily and easily navigate new tools

3. How frequently do you check your messages in a day?

3. How frequently do you check your messages in a day?

4. How often do you miss an important message?

4. How often do you miss an important message?

5. Top 3 most used messaging platforms

5. Top 3 most used messaging platforms

6. Which messaging app do you find it most difficult to stay on top of?

7. In which situations do you leave messages unread?

7. In which situations do you leave messages unread?

8. How fast do you typically respond to messages

8. How fast do you typically respond to messages

9. How do unread messages make you feel?

10. What strategies do you use to keep track of unread messages?

11. How do you decide which messages to respond to first?

12. Which of these features, if any, would help you respond to messages more easily and efficiently?

12. Which of these features, if any, would help you respond to messages more easily and efficiently?

13. Any last thoughts?