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Grants Committee Project Submission Form

Hi there! You've found your way to the Project Submission form - this is how you submit your project to Grants Committee for funding consideration.
Before you submit, please be sure you have the following:
- Forum quorum (See Consensus at this link: Grants Committee Voting Procedure)
- A wallet/multisig to which we can send funds

Project Name

Project Champion Discord Handle

Project Forum Post

Amount of BANK being requested

Project Wallet/Multisig

What are your project KPIs?

If your request is approved, Grants Committee will fund 50% of your request up front, and 50% after 6 weeks, providing you record KPIs for your project. You can learn more here.
For projects, we typically as for 2 KPIs: one which measures the progress towards BanklessDAO's mission (impact KPI), and one which measures your ability to stand on your own (self-sovereignty KPI). Check out Choosing Good KPIs for more info.

Additional Notes (if needed)

Additional Files (if needed)