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First onboarding steps to the uPledge startup community
This form will help us deem your eligibility to join the uPledge community and will take less than 10 minutes.
Company's Legal Name:
Legal name is the name that registered with the national companies registry.
Company's Website:
Fill in the full website link. If the company has no website, leave it blank.
Where is the company physically headquartered?
The place/address of the company headquarters.
When was the company incorporated?
The date when the company was registered with the national companies registry. Format: (MM, YYYY)
Describe the company using no more than 3 key terms. (ie. Deeptech, Renewable Energy, Fashion):
Look at the industry the company ventures into and what kind of solutions they are providing.
At what stage is the company's product / solution at?
The current phase of the product/solution e.g: Ideation, Prototype, Product Testing, Revenue Generating
POC/POV - Idea
MVP - Prototype phase
Alpha/Beta Phase - Already has product to test
Commercialised - Product ready and revenue generating(
Is the company generating revenue?
If the company has already sold its products or services in the market, regardless of which phase, then it is considered as revenue generating.
Is the company generating revenue?
Please list all co-founders (role) along with links to LinkedIn profile for each, including yourself. * Please use "," to separate founders
(e.g. co-founder name (role);, co-founder name 2 (role);, co-founder name 3 (role);
What UN SDG(s) are the company tackling? (maximum 5)
Look into the details:
What UN SDG(s) are the company tackling? (maximum 5)
1: No Poverty
2: Zero Hunger
3: Good Health and Well-being
4: Quality Education
5: Gender Equality
6: Clean Water and Sanitation
7: Affordable and Clean Energy
8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
10: Reduced Inequality
11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
12: Responsible Consumption and Production
13: Climate Action
14: Life Below Water
15: Life on Land
16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal
Has the company raised funds internally or externally?
Does the company or organisation have any social media channels? If more than one please separate with ';'
Pitch Deck
Click to choose a file or drag here
Size limit: 10 MB
Your Contact Details
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Thank you!
We will be in touch shortly to take you to the next stage of the onboarding process 🚀