Form cover
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Senior React/JS Developer

You just took the first step towards being part of a revolution in AI video generation 🎥 🚀
We kindly ask you to fill out this application form so we can get to know you a little better.

Tell us a bit more about yourself

In which country are you currently located? (don't worry, we are remote-friendly)

List the universities you studied + your graduation date

What company are your working for /have you most recently been working for?

How many years of experience working with React do you have?

Experience with RESTful APIs?

Do you have experience with creating various styles of 2D Motion, Text, Animation and Audio-reactive visuals in the web?

Do you have experience with creating various styles of 2D Motion, Text, Animation and Audio-reactive visuals in the web?

Do you have experience working with CI/CD and pipeline concepts?

Experience with the test writing with Jest?

Experience with WebGL, SVG, Three.js or AR SDK?

Experience with PIXI.js, Anime.js or other JS graphic tools?

What's your English speaking level?

What is your salary expectation (per month and in €)?

Tell us why you are interested in this position and what makes you the perfect candidate?

What has been your greatest achievement so far

Upload your CV here

Github link to one of your projects

What is your earliest starting date

Anything else we should know?

Wow. You made it to the end 🙌 Thank you very much for your interest in Zebracat. Now hit that sweet Submit button and we promise to be in touch with you within less than 2 weeks.
Please keep an eye on your spam folder so you don't miss our reply on your application 👀🛑