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Let’s Create Something Amazing Together

Welcome to the first step of creating your custom doodle videos! Fill out this form with the necessary details, and our team will craft videos that perfectly align with your vision.

What's Your Name?

Enter your full name.

Company Name (if applicable)

Name of your organization or business.

What's Your Email Address?

Your email for communication and video delivery.

What's Your Phone Number?

Add a contact number if you want it featured in the videos.

What's Your Website Address?

If you want your website included in the videos, please provide the URL.

Do you have a logo you want to display?

If you have a logo, please upload it. If not, you can skip this question and send us your logo later.

Voiceover Preference

Voiceover Preference

Target Audience

Please identify and clearly demark your target audience - their age group, education level, gender, nationality, concerns, and desires, and how your company or organization addresses these.

Video Series Topic

Briefly describe the main topic or theme of your video series.

Summarize Your Business Model

Give us a brief overview of your product or service, including key differentiators between you and your competitors, unique benefits your product or service provides and its important features? (please pretend you are explaining to a 5-year old)

State the PROBLEM in your market that your product or service solves.

What action do you want people to take once they’re done watching your video?

Do you have any additional requests or comments?

Please let us know if there's anything specific that you'd like to add to your videos. We want to make sure your videos reflect your brand and message.