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Join CGN

This form is for churches that would like to be listed on our Church Finder. Please fill out the form below with your current church and pastor information. A Local Connector will be in contact with you soon to set up a time to meet and fellowship.
Are you applying to join CGN as a church?
Are you applying to join CGN as a church?
Calvary Global Network includes like-minded churches outside of Calvary Chapel; each church is listed on our church finder. If your church is an existing Calvary Chapel, choose "Yes", and we will add an indicator badge next to your listing that lets people know you are a Calvary Chapel. Additionally, there is a filter function on the church finder allowing users to search only Calvary Chapel churches.

Is your church a Calvary Chapel?

Is your church a Calvary Chapel?
Doctrinal Matters: a. We believe the historic foundational Christian doctrines as adopted by the National Association of Evangelicals: b. Three non-foundational doctrines that we hold: 1. We are Pre-Millennial 2. We are Continuationists3. We are (soft-moderate) Complementarian Are there any doctrinal matters above you disagree with or would like to discuss further?
Agreement to CGN's Statement of Faith I have read and agree with Calvary Global Network's doctrinal positions as detailed in "What We Believe" under the "About" tab on the CGN website here:
Agreement to CGN's Statement of Faith