Indian PM Benchmarking Survey: 2024
Thank you for taking this survey, run by
Product Growth and
This survey is entirely anonymous. It is meant for the benefit of the larger PM community in India.
It has 4 sections: Compensation, respondent, company, and hiring information.
It should take about 5 minutes.
Section 1: Compensation Information
1. What is your current total annual compensation (in INR)?
A. How much of that is base salary (in INR)?
B. How much of that is bonus (in INR)?
C. How much of that is equity (in INR)?
Section 2: Respondent Information
1. What best describes your current role?
2. How many years of overall work experience do you have?
3. How many years of product management experience do you have?
Section 3: Company Information
1. In which city is your company primarily based?
2. What region best describes your company's location?
2. What region best describes your company's location?
3. What is your company's approximate annual revenue (in INR)?
3. What is your company's approximate annual revenue (in INR)?
4. How many employees does your company have?
4. How many employees does your company have?
Section 4: Hiring and Interview Insights
1. Is your company currently hiring product managers?
1. Is your company currently hiring product managers?
2. What companies have you interviewed with for PM roles in the past year?
3. What companies do you know who are actively hiring PMs in India?
Do you have any additional insights or feedback regarding PM compensation in India?
Thank you for completing our survey.
Your responses will contribute to creating the most comprehensive resource on product management salaries in India.
The results will be shared on Aakash Gupta and Ankit Shukla's LinkedIns, plus Product Growth and HelloPM. (Question 1 in both Sections 1 & 2 is required.)