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Hyperallergic Reader Survey

Thanks for taking the time to fill out our survey. It's just 10 questions and should take no longer than 5 minutes.

Which of the following best describes you?

Which of the following best describes you?

Where have you gone to experience art in the past year?

Where have you gone to experience art in the past year?

How long have you been reading Hyperallergic?

How long have you been reading Hyperallergic?

We'd like to get a sense of how readers are supporting local organizations. Which of the following do you contribute to financially?

We'd like to get a sense of how readers are supporting local organizations. Which of the following do you contribute to financially?

What do you value in your membership of an organization?

Please rank the importance of these factors in choosing the organizations that you give your time, money and ideas to:
Not Important
Somewhat Important
Very Important
A sense of belonging
Ability to interact with writers/staff
Feeling that your concerns are heard
Offering the world something you think should exist
Staff and writer diversity
Being connected with like-minded people
Events and opportunities to connect online
Events and opportunities to connect in person
Merchandise and swag

What's an issue or story in the art world that people aren't talking about, or that you think should be discussed more?

What is your age?

What is your age?

How likely is it that you recommend Hyperallergic to a friend or colleague?

How likely is it that you recommend Hyperallergic to a friend or colleague?

What is the reason for your score?

How would you describe Hyperallergic to a friend or colleague?

Please provide your contact information.

This is optional, but will allow us to follow up if we can address any specific concerns you included in your responses.

