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Everyday Heroes Wanted: No Cape Required

The Giving Machine thrives on passionate individuals like you. Join us in making charitable giving as simple as pressing a button. Even if it's a small contribution, you can have a part in our volunteer family. Help us prove that small actions, multiplied by many, can make a big difference.

First Name

Last Name



Desired Giving Machine Locations (Check All That Apply)

Desired Giving Machine Locations (Check All That Apply)

How Can You Help Volunteer? (Check All That Apply)

How Can You Help Volunteer? (Check All That Apply)

Please Share Any Giving Machine Feedback

On a Scale of 1 to 10 Stars, Please Rate Your Overall Satisfaction:

On a Scale of 1 to 10 Stars, Please Rate Your Overall Satisfaction:

Would You Like To Provide A Giving Machine Testimonial?

Would You Like To Provide A Giving Machine Testimonial?
Testimonials are very effective contributions for social content, website media and other marketing efforts.