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Neighborhood Accelerator Program (NAP) Application

Your Full Name



Phone #

What's the best way to reach you?

Share links that will help us learn more about who you are (twitter, IG, linkedin, substack, personal site, etc)

How did you hear about the Neighborhood Accelerator?

We ask so we can know how to find more folks like you! 😉

Where are you building your neighborhood? i.e. what neighborhood, city, state/province, & country are you in?

What cross streets are close to you?

We don't need your home address, but want to get specific about where your neighborhood is located.

What's your vision for your neighborhood? What do you want to build?

Please write no less than a paragraph here. It's ok if you don't have this fully mapped out yet, but give us what you do know to be true.

What steps have you taken to build the community you envision?

What previous community-building experience do you have?

Are you ready to start building your neighborhood now (with the support of the program)? If not, when would you be ready?

Do you currently live in the neighborhood that you want to build community in for the long-term?

Do you currently live in the neighborhood that you want to build community in for the long-term?

Are you comfortable with using Telegram, the messaging app?

We use Telegram in the program so we ask to know if we need to train you on how to use it.
Are you comfortable with using Telegram, the messaging app?

Let's review the time commitment for participating in this program.

- Weekly Pod Call - 75 min/week (mandatory) - Expert Workshop - 60-90 min/week (optional, can be attended live or watch the recording) - Field Work - Past NAP participants have spent ~2-3 hrs hours/week Field Work = doing things in your neighborhood like knocking on doors, hosting gatherings, encouraging friends to live within walking distance of you
Is this a schedule that you could reasonably follow for a 10-week period?

Do you have any travel plans that would take you away from home during the program? If so, when?

Which weekly session time works for you?

Here's a timezone converter to help you pick which weekly call time works best for you. As a reminder the program spans February 17 - April 30, 2025.
Which weekly session time works for you?

Select your payment tier:

Select your payment tier:
Payment will be collected after your spot in the program is confirmed.

Any questions for us?

That's it! We're excited to review your application!