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Heroes For Life at WYD with One Of Us

Guided visit of the Heroes for Life exhibition with your group during the World Youth Day

Your group can participate in a guided visit of the Heroes for Life exhibition at the World Youth Day in Lisbon. The exhibition will show some historical figures that has sacrificed everything to stand for the dignity of the most vulnerable including the most vulnerable of all: Human embryos.
These champions of Human dignity can inspire young people on their search for the Truth, the Good and the Beautiful that is in every human person and to stand peacefully strong on the side of the most vulnerable of human kind from the conception to the natural death.
During the visit you will also have the chance to discuss with representatives of the One of Us federation working all around Europe to defend the dignity of Human embryos.
For more info: [email protected]
The Exhibition will take place at the Parish Church of Graça. 

Adresse : Largo da Graça 94, 1170-165 Lisboa

Jérôme Lejeune Movie - Free screening

Thanks to his discovery of trisomy 21, Jérôme Lejeune became a doctor and genetic researcher of international renown. As he became aware that this discovery opened the door to a new form of eugenics, he started focussing on helping those that were being killed, because of his discovery...
For more info: [email protected]
The movie will be screened at Cinema São Jorge of Lisboa


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