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Wonder Tools Feedback đź‘‹

Your answers to this 3-minute survey are crucial in helping me, Jeremy, make decisions about Wonder Tools. I'll read every response & reply if you leave your email. Thank you for doing this.

Why do you read Wonder Tools?

Which Wonder Tools offerings would you sign up for? (Pick up to 5)

Which Wonder Tools offerings would you sign up for? (Pick up to 5)

What do you like about Wonder Tools & what's an adjustment you'd suggest?

Which paid subscription benefits would interest you (pick up to 4)

Which paid subscription benefits would interest you (pick up to 4)

Optional comments

If you could pick a post topic, what would you like me to write about?

I'm looking for new collaborators in 2023. Which of these would you consider working with me for a project on? Leave your email below OR email me at [email protected]

Share your email below if it would be OK for me to follow-up with you