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Power to Change - Digital capabilities survey

Thank you for taking time out of your day to provide Power to Change with your views, thoughts and insights on digital. When defining digital we are thinking about the culture, practices & technologies of the Internet-era; for example this can include how you approach communications and engagement or the computers and devices you use, (hardware) or the applications and systems you have in place (software).
This survey leads on from research undertaken in May into the technical and digital needs of community business and helps us to get a more in-depth understanding of the digital needs that were identified. The results will help us to gain a deeper understanding and prioritise the specific needs of the sector, allowing us to design better digital support for community businesses. We plan to open up a new support offer using this research later this year.
This survey contains 18 needs statements, divided into 4 sections. For each statement we ask you to rate your Capability which refers to how much knowledge and expertise you can tap into undertake this activity and Capacity which refers to how much time, energy, resources and support your organisation has for this activity, lastly we ask about how much of a Priority this activity is to your community business.
This survey should take less than 10 minutes to complete. You need to get to the end (page7) to submit, you can move back by using the arrow icon top left of the screen. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Fergus Arkley [email protected]
If you are open to further contribution to this exciting design process (e.g interviews, user testing) please provide email below
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