MZed Survey
Have you heard of MZed Pro before?
Have you heard of MZed Pro before?
How interested are you in online video courses?
Have you ever paid for an online video course?
Have you ever paid for an online video course?
Given these options, what course topics are you most interested in?
Given these options, what course topics are you most interested in?
Are there other course topics you're interested in?
How long is an ideal video course?
How long is an ideal video course?
Do you prefer to purchase individual courses outright, or subscribe to a membership plan that gives you access to many courses?
Do you prefer to purchase individual courses outright, or subscribe to a membership plan that gives you access to many courses?
For individual course purchases, how much are you willing to pay for one course that you would own outright?
For individual course purchases, how much are you willing to pay for one course that you would own outright?
For individual course purchases, do you prefer to download the videos to watch offline, or stream the videos online?
For individual course purchases, do you prefer to download the videos to watch offline, or stream the videos online?
For a subscription, what is your preferred subscription period?
For a subscription, what is your preferred subscription period?
For a monthly subscription, how much are you willing to pay per month for unlimited access to all the courses on a platform?
For a monthly subscription, how much are you willing to pay per month for unlimited access to all the courses on a platform?
For a monthly subscription, would you prefer to pay less (but have limited access to course choices), or pay more (for unlimited access)?
For a monthly subscription, would you prefer to pay less (but have limited access to course choices), or pay more (for unlimited access)?
For an annual subscription, how much are you willing to pay per year for unlimited access to all current and new courses?
For an annual subscription, how much are you willing to pay per year for unlimited access to all current and new courses?
For an annual subscription, would you prefer to pay less (but have limited access to course choices), or pay more (for unlimited access)?
For an annual subscription, would you prefer to pay less (but have limited access to course choices), or pay more (for unlimited access)?
How important is a renewal discount for a subscriber (like a discounted price for a renewing member)?
How important are membership benefits for a subscriber (like partner discounts, giveaways, etc)?
How important is a member community for a subscriber (like a Facebook group, private forum, etc)?
How important is direct access to course educators for a subscriber (like a direct chat, group discussion, etc)?
How likely are you to subscribe to MZed Pro?
Is there anything else you would like to share?
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