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Beta Reader Interest Form: JFK50 by Charlie Deist

Thanks for your interest in becoming an Beta reader for my new book!

My goal is to get you in marching shape – to be ready for anything life throws at you – optimizing your health in pursuit of your particular mission.

This beta reader process will last about 2 months (through mid June). As an Beta reader, I will ask you for three things:

1. Read the book as I develop it – I plan to share content every week.
2. Provide feedback – What works, what doesn't work, what's confusing, what's missing
3. Test out the protocol and report back.

To ensure you're a good fit, I'd love to learn a little bit more about you and your health journey.

See you on the road!


Basic info

What are your biggest challenges related to health and fitness?

What do you hope to get out of being a beta reader?

Are you interested in partcipating in occasional group calls, or do you prefer to offer feedback in written form only?

Are you interested in partcipating in occasional group calls, or do you prefer to offer feedback in written form only?