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FrontierDAO Membership Application Form

Your information
Affiliation (Company/ Institution/Org)

I'm staking $FUZN (check the amount in the box) or I'm doing a staking/work exchange combination

(FrontierDAO membership requirement is 1000 $FUZN minimum)
I'm staking $FUZN (check the amount in the box) or I'm doing a staking/work exchange combination

Socials (X, LinkedIn,, other)

My ETH wallet address is

Transaction Hash for payment is + amount paid in USDC /DAI/ ETH

The SAFE wallet address you can send payment to is: (I USDC = 1 $FUZN)

We accept USDC, ETH or DAI
eth: 0xd060CA327ac89289b4611266a8d9846Fa9d468F4

I understand that with a FrontierDAO membership (minimum of 1000 $FUZN staked) I am required to acquire a designated governance Soul Bound Token before I can exercise on-chain governance in the DAO.

*NOTE: A SBT without $FUZN or $FUZN without a designated SBT will not qualify a member for on-chain governance privileges. You must have both.
Current designated SBT Collection is $FUZN Punks

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Untitled checkboxes field