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Reimage Work Group Coaching Interest Form

👋 Hey there, I'm Paul

Over the past 6-7 years, I've coached people, written about work, and have had hundreds of "curiosity conversations" with people from dozens of countries around the world about their relationship with work. different countries and of all ages.
The stories are often the same. Something is "off" with how work fits in their life and they don't know what it is. I've been obsessed with trying to figure out what enables people to improve their relationships to work. Not escape work but find the work that matters to them and then work to build a life around it.
That's a picture of me in Taiwan, where I've lived for most of 2018 until a couple of weeks ago. I moved to Asia a year after leaving my job and becoming self-employed and several years into a longer journey where I started to question how much of my life was dictated by work.
I spent about ten years on a very impressive path, working at top consulting firms and going to top-ranked business schools. However, underneath, I never really felt like any of it made sense. I never lasted more than two years in a single place and was convinced that my dream job was always the next one.
When I arrived in Taiwan, I ended up meeting my wife, Angie and decided to stay in Asia indefinitely. This meant I had to figure out a way to make money outside of freelancing (remote wasn't cool yet). I decided that I would just try to work on things I enjoyed and see where it took me. In writing, experimenting online, helping other people navigate these hard transitions, and connecting with others, I started to feel more confident that the path I found was one I wanted to keep going.
I decided that I would just try to work on things I enjoyed and see where it took me. In writing, experimenting online, helping other people navigate these hard transitions, and connecting with others, I started to feel more confident that the path I found was one I wanted to keep going.
Before I share more,

What's your name?



Where are you from

What kind of work do you do?

What are the questions and/or challenges you are facing with your overall relationship with work?

Over time, I've come to call my approach the "Pathless Path" and have written extensively about this journey (including a forthcoming book). I'm not interested in helping people escape work, retire early, or swap an intense corporate identity for a startup founder.
I'm much more interested in helping people become more confident in embracing uncertainty, emergent paths, and learning how to explore in a world mediated by technology, memes, and the internet.
Starting in April of 2020, when many people were either out of work or forced to work remotely my following and the number of people that reached out to me exploded. It was a bit shocking at first. For a few years, I had been exploring these topics alone, feeling like a crazy person. Suddenly, I had people reaching out with the same questions.
It seems that the pandemic served as an existential opening for people to look at their work with new eyes. This has motivated me to keep going, deciding to write a book this year and continue writing and exploring these topics.

What best describes your current situation

What best describes your current situation

If other, please indicate...

What describes your financial situation?

What describes your financial situation?

(Optional) Please add more detail or indicate if money is a central part of your plan and path (FIRE, etc...)

On a scale of zero to thriving (ten), how is your relationship with work?

On a scale of zero to thriving (ten), how is your relationship with work?

Group Coaching Pitch

What it would be: A virtual group coaching community that will run for a specific period of time where people come together for 60-90 minutes, go through shared reflection exercises, share stories and build connections with others asking the same questions
# of Sessions: Eight sessions over a period of two months (working around holidays)
Format: Five people with similar backgrounds will be hand-selected by Paul and we will find an agreeable time for everyone to meet, likely over Zoom
Vibe: Friends asking similar questions, a space to share openly and test out ideas, a helpful and supportive group of people to stay connected with
Includes: A copy of my book, ongoing access to Paul and his experience coaching and supporting many people get to a better place with work, access to the Reinvent course, Reinvent toolkit, and other exercises and tools to help you.
My role: Guide the sessions, offer reflection exercises, lessons from myself and others, and to give people a space for sharing.
Reduced Beta Testing Cost: I am thinking of testing this around the $499 for a month for two months for the initial beta tests. I can be flexible on price, but am targeting $800-$1000 for the two-month commitment.
I'll also be experimenting with optional gift pricing if people prefer to pay more or less.

Are you interested in something like this?

Are you interested in something like this?

If something else, explain:

Makeup of the group: If you had to choose between the following two options, which is preferred?

Makeup of the group: If you had to choose between the following two options, which is preferred?

What would you success would look like if you joined?

Anything else you'd like to add?